Rising Up From The Ashes

Former Drug Addicts Story Of Recovery

The Demon Takes His Soul

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Hey Friends

As you know; I’ve been helping a friend with his addiction to Oxycontin. Well this is an update about my Friends progress to date.

In the last post I told how he is on a methadone program and that his doctor wouldn’t give a script for Oxycontin. Well just when everything was going great. The unexpected or was it unexpected  I should have seen it coming, but it too late now and my friends addiction has spiraled downward.

One thing you need to understand about addicts is that when it comes to crunch time, they are very focused on and know how to get the drugs they for that next fix.

The sad truth is addicts will do almost anything to get that next fix, and I could share some my personal stories, but I won’t today, because this about my friends chase for that next fix.

My Friend found himself down and out last week, he didn’t have the money to buy oxy’s anymore, and the methadone wasn’t cutting it. So in desperation he went to his doctor and after about an hour of spilling his guts and tears etc.

His doctor gave him a script for oxy’s 80 mg twice a day, and on top of that his methadone treatment was being increased to 60 mg.

What happens next shows you how this demon flows through your veins and takes over your soul. My friend in true addict form thinks he hit the jackpot now, and has been abusing his script, and now is buying oxy’s again after only having this script for less than week.

I know he’s using 4-5 times a day just at work, and after work it’s probably more frequent. I know this from my own experience using dilaudid and cocaine. So I figure he’s snorting 9 to 10 80 mg oxy’s a day.

I know it’s just a matter of time now before he hits bottom, and he’s going to hit it hard. The sad thing part is he realizes he has a problem and needs help. But in his addicted mind he thinks he’s doing everything he needs to  and it’s going to be fine.

But, the sad truth is that’s the demon speaking, and not him.  My friend is on the edge, and his addiction is either going to give him that final push over the edge, where he’s going to hit bottom.

I don’t know what his bottom is going to be like, nobody does because it’s different for every addict. It could mean he finall ygets the help he needs and starts the recovery process.

Or, it could be that he looses everything,including his life. I don’t know how this tragic story is going to end.

But, I do know I’m not giving up on him, and I have some resources I’m going to use to see if I can get my friend into a Rehabilitation Program before he hits bottom.

If this means discussing with his family about doing an intervention, then that’s what will have to be done with the co-operation of the drug addiction detox center and  drug rehabilitation center I’m associated with and graduated from almost 8 yrs ago.

At this point, I think this is our only option. If I can say one thing from my own experience, and from my friends is never under estimate the power of addiction. Because I can tell you from my own expereince this demon will consume your soul, and if you let it you’ll never get it back.

Well it’s time to call in troops, thanks for listening today.

If you have a friend, or family member that is addicted, please reach out and get help for yourself and them, the resources are there right in your own community.

Don’t let this demon take another life.

Thanks Brian

Written by jagz51

August 28, 2009 at 11:20 pm

Posted in Drug Addiction

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